Under 65?

I sell on the Marketplace!

To view Individual and Family Plan (IFP) options and enroll on your own click the link below:

Take Me There NOW

Is the Marketplace too expensive? Do you need an alternative?

I have 2 additional OPTIONS:

Try a Short Term Plan or OneShare Health.

Short Term Plans 

There are TWO Short Term Plan options with this carrier:

To view these Short Term options click HERE!

Note: While short-term plans are an affordable and limited option when you're in between health insurance plans, it's important to understand they have limitations and restrictions. 

OneShare health 

A different kind of care. Here's why:

Note: OneShare Health is not insurance, but a Health Care Sharing Ministry (HCSM) that facilitates the sharing of medical bills among its Membership. 

Still have questions? Contact me directly for more details on the above options!

913-276-0445 (Business Cell) or HealthcareWithRoz@gmail.com (email)

Visit me at the office:

11267 Strang Line Road, Lenexa, KS 66215

(I'm there most Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)

Roz is licensed in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Texas.